The Impeachment Trial of Donald J. Trump: Rear Admiral Barry Black’s Opening Prayers – January 16 - February 5, 2020
This is actually Day 8 of the Impeachment Trial _______________________ [ In his opening prayers, Rear Admiral Barry Black , United States Senate Chaplain, appears to be sending important and urgent messages to the Senate jury. The highlighted sentences seem to emphasize his main points as the trial unfolds. Given that several Republican Jurors – Mitch MConnell and Lindsey Graham specifically – revealed long before the Impeachment Trial began that they were not “impartial jurors,” one can only conclude that the chaplain’s admonitions were directed to them and others who would corrupt the proceedings, which, presumably, could have included some Democratic Jurors, who, at least had the good sense to keep to their own counsel. History will judge how well the majority jurors have conducted this trial that offered no witnesses or supporting documents. ] Day 1: (1/16/2020) No prayer – Rear Admiral Barry Black was attending a prayer breakfast. Day 2 Prayer: (1/21/20