QQOTD: Rear Admiral Barry Black, Senate Chaplain
“It is never wrong to do right.” ~ Rear Admiral Barry Black , 62nd Chaplain of the United States Senate , in his opening prayer on January 29, 2020, on the ninth day of the Impeachment trial of Donald Trump ( C-SPAN2 ) When might doing wrong end up resulting in the proper and correct outcome? How should both political parties heed the chaplain’s message? How might both Democrats and Republicans interpret this statement as it pertains to their point of view? Historical queries (To be determined in the near or far future) : Did the outcome of the Impeachment Trial the result in the right decision? If so, how? If not, how? The entire prayer : Let us pray. Divine Shepherd, honor, glory, and power belong to you. Refresh our Senators as they enter a new phase of this Impeachment Trial. May they realize that you have appointed then for this great service and they are accountable to you. Lord, empower them to labor today with the dominant purpose of pl...