QQOTD: Chauncey DeVega (Salon)
“Donald Trump is an authoritarian and an autocrat. For him and others of such ilk, violence is political currency in the form of raw power. Autocrats and authoritarians such as Trump are de facto crime bosses who just happen to be leaders of their respective countries.” ~ Chauncey DeVega , Salon (28 January 2020) How on target is DeVega about Donald Trump ? Is Trump a sociopath ( Psychology Today )? If so, what sociopathic characteristics does he exhibit? Are voters on both the right and the left on track to re-electing an authoritarian President? Why or why not? Which candidate(s) on the left exhibit(s) troubling authoritarian characteristics? How do they compare with Trump’s? How might President Trump’s revenge tour (Chicago Tribune) after acquittal in the Senate Impeachment Trial shape the future of the United States?