21st Century: Query 179 (Diane Arbus & Colin Wood)

In this iconic 1962 Diane Arbus Central Park photograph, Colin Wood, a seven-year old boy, mugs for the camera. He clutches a hand grenade in his right hand and stiffens his left hand into a claw. ______________________ “A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you the less you know.” ~ Diane Arbus was an American photographer. Arbus famously worked to normalize marginalized groups and highlight the importance of proper representation of all people. She worked with a wide range of subjects including members of the LGBTQ+ community, strippers, carnival performers, nudists, dwarves, children, mothers, couples, elderly people, and middle-class families. How might Arbus’ assertion seem ironic and incongruent to what we generally assume about the power of the visual medium, for example, “A picture is worth a thousand words”? How might “a thousand words” paint a fuller picture about a person via description, dialogue, and articulation of in...