A Profile in Courage: Decision to Vote for Conviction of Donald J. Trump (Senator Mitt Romney, R-Utah)
( Senator Romney delivered his speech to a nearly empty Senate chamber and a stationary Senate camera. Making his case as the only Senate Juror in history to vote against his own party in an Impeachment trial, Senator Romney addressed three rapt Democrats: Sens.Chris Murphy of Connecticut, Patrick Leahy of Vermont, and Brian Schatz of Hawaii . Often, history comes to us in a whisper, only to reverberate around the world. Political historians will likely deem this 5 February 2020 speech as one of the most consequential of the 21st Century. ) Thank you, Mr. President. [ President of the Senate Charles Grassley, R-Iowa ] The Constitution is at the foundation of our Republic success, and we each strive not to lose sight of our promise to defend it. The Constitution established the vehicle of Impeachment that is occupied both houses of our Congress these many days. We have labored to faithfully execute our responsibilities to it. We have arrived at different judgments, but I hop...