
Showing posts with the label Double meaning

QQOTD: Syd Barrett

“I think it’s good if a song has more than one meaning. Maybe that kind of song can reach far more people.” ~ Syd Barrett was an English singer, songwriter, and musician who co-founded the rock band Pink Floyd in 1965. Characterized for his English-accented singing and free-form writing style, Barrett named the group and was their original lead singer, guitarist, and principal songwriter. His innovative use of guitar techniques, such as dissonance , distortion and feedback , proved influential to many musicians.

George Berkeley's THE QUERIST

21st Century Queries


The Compleat Quoted

The Compleat Quoted & Mentioned

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The Compleat Querist Cloud

21st Century queries195 22 November 19631 25 December 19681 A Moral1 A Profile in Courage2 A Shropshire Lad1 A. E. Housman1 Aaron Shikler1 About George Berkeley2 About THE QUERIST2 Abraham Lincoln2 Absolute power5 Absolute presidential power1 Absolute truth1 Abstract Images1 abstraction1 Absurdities1 abuse3 abuse of liberty1 abuse of power6 abuse of system3 Acceptance1 Acquittal3 Acting1 Actors4 Adam Schiff2 Adolf Hitler4 Advertising1 Affectations1 African-American Actors1 African-American Poetry1 African-American Support of White Supremacists1 African-Americans3 afterlife1 Age limits1 Ageism1 Agents1 Aging1 agriculture2 Agriculture5 aid1 Airplanes1 Al Franken1 Al Jourgensen1 al-Qaeda1 Alan Dershowitz2 Alan Greenspan1 Alan Sillitoe1 Albert Einstein2 Alcohol6 Alcohol as medicine1 Alcoholism4 Alexander Hamilton1 Alexander Vindman1 Alliances1 alternate facts1 alternative facts1 Ambassadors1 Amendment 1--Freedom of Religion Press Expression1 Amendment 10--Powers of the States and People1 Amendment 2--Right to Bear Arms1 Amendment 3--Quartering of Soldiers1 Amendment 4--Search and Seizure1 Amendment 5--Trial and Punishment Compensation for Takings1 Amendment 6--Right to Speedy Trial The Bill of Rights1 Amendment 7--Trial by Jury in Civil Cases1 Amendment 8--Cruel and Unusual Punishment1 Amendment 9--Construction of Constitution1 Amendments10 America1 Amherst College1 amoral leaders1 amoral presidents2 amorality2 Amsterdam3 Amy Klobuchar1 An Internet Meme1 Angela Davis1 Angelina Jolie1 Anger1 animadversions1 Animal rights1 animals2 Ann Rule1 Annie Besant1 Annie Dillard1 Anniversary1 Anonymous2 anti-education1 anti-intellectualism4 Apollo 81 Apple Inc1 April Fool's Day1 Architect2 Armagh1 Art8 Article I--The Legislative Branch10 Article II--The Executive Branch4 Article III--The Judicial Branch3 Article IV--The States4 Article V--Amendment1 Article VI--Debts1 Article VII--Ratification1 artists1 Arts3 Assassination2 Assassinations1 Assassins1 Assessing intelligence1 Atonement1 Atrocities1 Attorney General1 Audit1 Austria1 authoritarianism4 Authors2 Aviation1 Aviators1 avoidance1 bad lies1 Bad loans1 Bad luck1 balance of power1 balance of trade9 Bank failure3 Bank managers1 bank notes5 Bank of Amsterdam5 Bank of England3 Bank of Scotland1 Bank of St George in Genoa1 Bank security8 Bank-Company1 Bankers5 Banking5 Banking hazards2 Bankruptcy1 Banks17 Barbara Hale1 Barry Black8 Baseball2 Baseball players2 Basic Needs5 Basketball1 Be Best1 Beer1 beggars1 Benefits1 Benjamin Franklin1 Berkeley California1 Berkeley College1 Bernie Sanders1 Bhagavad Gita1 Bias1 big dreams1 Big Questions4 Bill O'Reilly1 Bills of exchange1 Bipartisanship2 Birthright citizenship1 Bishop of Cloyne1 Blindness3 Blogger1 Bohemian1 Books2 Bosnia1 BP2 BP disaster2 Brad Paisley1 Brain Candy--corsinet.com1 Brainy Quote1 brandy1 Breaking News1 Breaking with Party2 Breitbart1 Brett Kavanaugh1 bribery2 British Navy1 British Plantations of America1 Broad presidential powers2 Broken promises1 Brutality1 Buddha1 Bureaucrats1 Burisma1 Business28 Business practices1 Cambodia1 Can-do spirit1 Capital stock1 Carbon Footprint1 Carl Reiner1 Carl Sagan1 Catherine the Great1 celebrity2 Celebrity deaths1 censorship2 change4 Chaplain6 Character2 Charlemagne1 Charles the Great1 Charlie Hustle1 Chauncey DeVega1 Cheating1 child molesters1 Children7 Christianity2 Christianity Today1 Christine Ford Blasey1 Christopher Wray1 Cider1 citizens2 Civil unrest1 Civility1 Civilization1 claret1 class8 Classical scholars1 Climate Change3 Climate Change Science1 Climate Crisis1 CNN4 Coinage4 Colin Wood2 Colleges5 Comedians2 Comedy3 Commander-in-chief1 Commerce3 committees1 Commodities1 Companies1 compare and contrast1 competition1 Complaints2 concentration camps2 Concessions1 Condemnation1 confidence1 Congress1 Conscience1 Conspicuous consumption1 Construction1 Construction Industry2 Contemplation1 Copper1 Copyright Notice1 Copyright Notice and Disclaimer1 Coretta Scott King1 Corruption6 Corruption in art1 Counterfeit money1 Counting-houses1 Country before party1 Courts1 Creativity1 credit1 Credit14 Crimes2 criminals4 Crisis1 Criticism1 Critics1 Cult of Ignorance1 Cultural norms1 culture6 curiosity1 currency44 currency circulation11 currency denominations1 currency failure1 Currency glut2 currency limitations1 currency manipulation10 customs2 Danger1 Daniel Dale1 Dark1 dark money1 Darth Vader1 David Plouffe1 David Rohde1 David Wong1 Deafness1 death4 Death of Curiosity1 Death threats1 debts1 Deep-sea divers1 Deficits1 Defining madness1 Della Street1 delusion2 Democracy7 Democracy in danger4 Democrats3 Deportation1 Des Moines-Register1 Desires1 Details in writing1 detention centers1 devaluation1 Diane Arbus2 Dick Cheney1 dictatorship1 Difference of opinion1 differences1 Diminishing returns1 director of industry3 Directors3 disabilities2 Disclaimer1 discontent1 discourse1 discrimination1 diseases1 Dispatch Online1 dissatisfaction1 Divers1 diversification1 Dividends2 Dividing Colleges1 Divine inspiration1 DNA2 Domestic credit2 domestic trade5 Donald Trump44 Doom1 Doris Kearns Goodwin1 Dorothea Dix1 Double Helix Structure1 Double meaning1 Doug Jones1 Drinking1 DSM1 Duty1 Dwight D. Eisenhower1 earth2 Earth Day1 Easter1 Eating1 ecological disasters2 ecology3 economic growth2 economics20 Economists1 Education10 Efforts1 Ego1 Egocentric2 Eight-word bio1 Elijah Cummings1 Elizabeth Warren1 Emily Dickinson1 Emoluments clause1 employment1 Enemies1 England4 English1 English poets2 Entertainers1 entrepreneurs1 environment2 Envy1 Equality1 Erma Bombeck1 Essayists1 Estates1 Eternity.biz1 ethical dilemma2 ethical dilemmas2 Ethical queries2 Ethics2 etiquette1 Eugene Robinson1 Evangelicals2 Every One1 Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City1 evil4 Evil people1 Evils1 exchequer1 executive powers1 exemplar1 Exercising2 exertion1 Existential questions1 existentialism4 Expenses2 exporting1 exports7 Ezra Pound1 Facebook1 Facebook meme1 Fact checking1 FactCheck1 Facts First1 Fads3 Failure1 Fair taxation2 fair trade1 Fair trial1 Fairness1 fake news2 Fame1 Family1 Famine1 Farming3 Farms2 fashion2 fashions1 fear2 Federal government1 fellows1 fellowships1 Felony1 Feminism1 Fiction1 fir1 First Ladies1 Fiscal irresponsibility2 Flight1 Florence Nightingale1 FLOTUS2 Flourishing economy1 food1 Fools2 Ford's Theatre1 foreign and domestic trade2 Foreign children1 foreign interference in elections1 Foreign languages1 foreign leaders1 foreign trade7 Foreign trade4 forgiveness1 formal exercise1 Foundation1 Founding a College2 Fountain of Youth1 Fox News1 France6 Francis Crick1 Frank Capra1 Frank Lloyd Wright1 Fraud3 Fred Allen1 Freddie Mercury1 Frederick Douglass1 free education1 free thinkers2 free will1 Freedom2 Freedom from religion1 Freedom of Religion2 Freedom of Religion argument1 freedom of speech2 Friedrich Nietzsche1 Friends1 Friendship2 Frugality3 fulfillment1 funds1 future presidents1 gambling3 gaming3 gene manipulation1 Genetics1 Genoese1 gentlemen1 Geometry1 George Berkeley287 George Mason1 George Reeves1 George W. Bush1 George Washington2 Germany1 Gertrude Stein1 Gift-giving1 God3 Gold4 Gold standard1 Gonzo journalism1 good2 Good example1 good lies1 Good luck1 Good people1 Gothamist1 Goths1 Government7 Government Interference1 Government role2 Governors1 Grandchildren1 Great Ideas1 Greed4 Greedy King1 Greg Eghigian1 Greta Thunberg1 Grievances1 Groundhog Day1 Grounhog Day Movie1 Grover Cleveland1 H.L. Mencken1 Hakeem Jeffries1 Halloween1 Hamburg1 happiness5 hard work2 harm2 harmful change2 Harriet Beecher Stowe1 Harry Morgan1 hatred1 Hattie McDaniel1 Hazards1 Health3 healthy love1 Helen Keller1 Hidden self2 High crimes and misdemeanors1 higher education4 Higher laws1 Hillary Clinton1 Historians1 Historic Events2 history4 Holding onto anger1 Holidays5 Holland3 Home1 Honesty2 Hope1 Horace Mann1 hostile foreign leaders1 Household1 human nature1 Humanity1 Humor10 humorists4 Hungary1 hunger1 Hunter Biden1 Hunter S. Thompson1 I.M. Pei1 Ian Fleming1 Ian Freer1 ICE1 Idiocracy1 idleness2 Idleness3 Ill-gotten gain1 illusion1 immigrants3 immortality2 impartiality1 impeachment13 Impeachment of Donald J. Trump20 Impeachment of Donald J. Trump -- Opening Prayers1 Impeachment trial16 Imperial Presidency3 import6 import tax1 import vs export3 important events1 Importing vs Exporting1 imports3 Imports4 imports vs exports1 Improvement1 Incompetence1 increasing returns1 Increasing trade1 Indifference2 Indiscretion1 Industrial rock1 Industrialist1 Industry15 Inequality2 Inflated land values2 Inflation6 Influencers1 Injustice1 Insanity1 inspectors1 Insults1 Integrity1 Intellect2 Intellect without character1 Intelligence2 Interest5 interest of the many1 International banks2 Internet memes1 Inventions1 Inventors1 Inversion of The Serenity Prayer1 IQ1 Ireland17 Irish2 Irony7 Irving Thalberg1 Isaac Asimov1 Isadora Duncan2 Islam2 Italy1 J. Robert Oppenheimer1 J.R.R. Tolkien1 Jack Kerouac1 Jackie Speier1 Jacob Ludwig Karl1 James Agate1 James Bond1 James Madison1 James Watson1 January- February 20201 Jay Leno1 Jealousy3 Jeffrey Dahmer1 Jesse Jackson1 Jewish Support of Nazis1 Jews1 jihadists1 Jim Bouton1 Jim Cantore1 Jim Crow2 Jim Lovell1 Jim Morrison1
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